Saturday, October 2, 2010

Awkward Thespian - F&M

Jai...loosen up my friend :)

Next time I'm not going to ask Jai to pose...there are some people who are captured better in their natural element, and I think that would have boded well for Jai here. I'm kidding, Jai and I have a hate-hate friendship so I can't help but dig at him.

In any case I thought the soul patch and the glasses gave Jai a thespian look...when he came out of his room he resembled an actor coming out of a side door on Broadway after a performance...perhaps that's how I should have taken the picture. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20.



  1. Even though he looks extremely awkward, he's so cute! Jai, like your glasses.

  2. That was a time and a look long forgotten but the image brought the memories rushing back! Hope you’re well Mr. Diggs, appreciate the friendship.
    Wish I had seen this solitary comment way back when, would’ve helped grow out of that awkwardness haha
