Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What's Beurre Noir? : An Introduction

When friends do something extraordinary I like to try and promote their works as best as I can. While this may be one very small and insignificant medium, I feel I can try and do my part through this blog to lend a helping hand when needed. If you are doing something in the clothing world, let me know...but for now its Beurre Noir's time to shine. What follows after the jump are not my words or pictures but from the people behind Beurre Noir itself.

Beurre Noir (burr-nwahr): melted butter heated until it reaches a very dark brown colour, seasoned with lemon juice; has a nutty flavour

Beurre Noir was created in hopes of revitalizing a sense of solidarity within our generation's appreciation for, and identification with contemporary merchandise. What we choose to adorn our body and space with will always be a vital means of self-expression. In our youth, the process of shaping one's individuality was innate and simple. I often reminisce over the cherished tokens that were placed in my makeshift time capsules. I miss the days when a meaningless craze wasn't met with empty and fleeting accolades. Rather, only the things that made a uniquely personal connection to one's own experience, significant or obscure, held any true value. These fundamental treasures embody our memories of first loves, laughs and questions of life. Rather than burying them in the past to be forgotten, one should allow them to shine a truthful lens on the image projected, thus revealing the person. In a culture where being in vogue and mass appeal are paramount, any real consideration of the actual person is disregarded, this transmogrifying these opportunities for self expression into a cloak of anonymity. Yet the soul, black and indefinable, can only be felt through the butter soft sense of individual experience. Here are a few tokens of my black butter, "'nuff respect for those piqued by my own zest and depth of flavour to listen to their inploring souls. What's my Beurre Noir?

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